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城市核心的土地数量是有限的. Developers have a threshold they desire to reach before they will pursue a project. 在日益严重的负担能力危机中, 如果土地和费用都已确定, why do we keep spending these limited resources on housing for cars? 北美城市准备好改变分区了吗...




城市核心的土地数量是有限的. Developers have a threshold they desire to reach before they will pursue a project. 在一个 日益严重的负担能力危机, 如果土地和费用都已确定, why do we keep spending these limited resources on housing for cars? 北美城市准备好了吗 改变他们的分区法逐步取消强制性的最低停车规定 支持经济适用房建设?


来自Vox的视频. 唐纳德·苏泊 discusses the effects on cities of “free” parking.

Most cities have many more parking spaces than cars to park in them. 在亚特兰大,目前有 九个停车位 每一辆车都有. 建造这些空间的成本并非微不足道. In 唐纳德·苏泊关于这个主题的开创性文本,”免费停车的高成本”, 在西雅图这样的城市,建筑成本是35美元,在地下空地,每个车位五千美元,外加25美元,每一个地上停车位收费5万元. Even a small project is likely to have hundreds of thous和s of project dollars sunk into parking.

另外, the average parking space is about 9 feet wide 和 18 feet long, 不包括进入这些空间的交通. That’s 162 square feet for every parking space that could be otherwise utilized, 或者根本就没有构造. 停车 spaces take up valuable real estate, often on the ground floor. 这不仅占用了额外单元的空间, but effects the walkability of the city: parking minimums lead to an urban fabric that requires more driving, while reduced or flexible parking space requirements support walkable urban places.

The argument goes that the easier the access to parking, the more likely people are to drive (a.k.a. 同样的“诱导需求”原则). If we continue to build housing units with bundled parking, people who live in them will be 更有可能开车,因为他们已经有了一个“自由”的空间. If we remove included parking 和 charge a separate market rate for it, 人们将更好地考虑停车的真实成本. 如果我们不建停车位, 人们不太可能开车, 腾出土地和资源建设住房.

Graphic comparing a city with rigid parking requirements to one with minimal requirements

图片来源: TransitCenter.
Left image shows an urban fabric with minimal parking requirements,
while the right image shows an urban fabric with rigid parking requirements.

The construction of parking has a direct impact on the cost of rent. 在一个 2016年的研究 用C.J. 加州大学洛杉矶分校的加布和格雷戈里·皮尔斯, they found that “the cost of garage parking to renter households is approximately $1,每年700美元, 或者额外缴纳17%的房租.” This cost disproportionally impacts low-income families, 最常见的没有车的人是谁, by requiring them to purchase a parking space they may not use.

Not only does less parking mean cheaper construction costs 和 thus rental costs, but it also means that more lots are able to support housing. 减少最低停车费有助于停车场和项目的可行性, meaning more space can be used for housing units 和 this space can hold more units per project, 增加住房总供给.

明尼阿波利斯市正在尝试. While the local development community initially declared that there was no way the market would support such a reduction in units, 认为a是0.7 parking space minimum would still be required, new buildings are now being constructed 少至0.每单位3个车位. 最近 水牛 向全市的最低停车标准说再见, opting instead for more holistic considerations of parking in the city.

我们以前也建过这样的建筑. 《AG平台》 analyzed the extent of Manhattan’s buildings 和 found that 40% of them could not be built by today’s zoning codes. Many of these buildings have more units than current zoning would allow, 或者比新建筑所需的停车位少得多. With such pressing housing needs, limited resources, increasing mode shares, 和 the 自动驾驶汽车技术的兴起, how much longer will we build affordable housing for cars instead of people?


写的 Alyssa科恩
